Don't have money to donate or room in you house to adopt? That's OK! There are plenty of other ways to help animals.
- Shampoo Did you know that many shampoo makers do unnecessary tests on animals when they make shampoo? You can help stop this by checking the back of the bottle or packaging to see if it says that they did NOT test on animals. The less people buy abusive products, the less products will be abusive.
- Refuse to Abuse Many schools have classes which require you to axperiment on or dissect (cut apart) animals. By refusing to participate in these classes, you could save lives! Also, there are many ways to learn the things they are trying to teach you without even touching animals! You can suggest online alternatives, many of which can be found at
- Vollunteer! If there's a shelter near you, ask them about vollunteer oportunities (younger kids may need to have a parent come with them). There are always plenty of things to help out with!
- Check the Label Many shoes are made out of leather. When you are shopping, look for the words "faux," "fake," or "man-made." These all mean that the leather is not real, so no animals were killed to make the shoes. (However, many shoes are made with a combination of faux and real leather, so make sure that both the upper AND lower parts are fake!)
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