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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Easy Ways to Help

Don't have money to donate or room in you house to adopt? That's OK! There are plenty of other ways to help animals.
  • Shampoo Did you know that many shampoo makers do unnecessary tests on animals when they make shampoo? You can help stop this by checking the back of the bottle or packaging to see if it says that they did NOT test on animals. The less people buy abusive products, the less products will be abusive.
  • Refuse to Abuse Many schools have classes which require you to axperiment on or dissect (cut apart) animals. By refusing to participate in these classes, you could save lives! Also, there are many ways to learn the things they are trying to teach you without even touching animals! You can suggest online alternatives, many of which can be found at
  • Vollunteer! If there's a shelter near you, ask them about vollunteer oportunities (younger kids may need to have a parent come with them). There are always plenty of things to help out with!
  • Check the Label Many shoes are made out of leather. When you are shopping, look for the words "faux," "fake," or "man-made." These all mean that the leather is not real, so no animals were killed to make the shoes. (However, many shoes are made with a combination of faux and real leather, so make sure that both the upper AND lower parts are fake!)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Charities That Need Your Help!

Here's a list of well-known organizations that benefit abused and abandoned animals:
  • ASPCA ( was one of the first North American animal charities.They are non-profit, so donations are put to good use. They work to fight animal-related crimes, and can even arrest people who illegally hurt animals! Their mission is "to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States."
  • WWF ( helps to protect endangered species. You can "adopt" species on their website by maaking donations, and they have lots of information on how you can go green.
  • Animal Wellfare Institute ( works to help animals who are being used as test subjects, as well as other abused animals.
  • Pasado's Safe Haven ( is an animal shelter in Washington that helps farm animals that have been abused os abandoned. They have helped bring many abusers to justice in court and have taken in animals from hundreds of different cases.
  • PETA ( is a well-known animal rights activist group. They have staged numerous protests to support animal rights. They have worked to help animals being tested in labs, as well as other abused animals.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


For my entire life I have loved animals and believed that they deserve to live long, full, happy lives. I also believe that it is never too late to start helping animals live those lives.
So whether you have always been an active supporter of animal rights or have just begun to explore the animal rights movement, I hope that this site will help you find ways to improve the lives of animals in your community.